Wednesday, 7 January 2015

What I got for Christmas...

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break and had a sparkling NYE! I sympathise and am with you all getting back into the slog of the daily grind, waking up at the early hours of the morning, hair stood on end and in a state of constant confusion and delirium until about 11am once the caffeine has kicked in. Eugh. January. 

On a more positive note, this is my first beauty blog post of 2015 #yay. I'm super excited to write this post as I thought I would share with you all what I got for Christmas and relive the happy memories of chilling at home in my PJs. 

As I get older I get more and more used to the fact that my gift quantity (not quality) should dwindle. Which I'm fine with by the way! Opening presents is no longer the extravagant event that it was when you were eight, when all you can think about is that new Barbie you asked for! Anyway I digress, as I get older I feel like I am just really happy spending time with the people I love and making sure that the children in my family are having the BEST DAY EVER. 

That being said I got thoroughly spoilt this year so I wanted to share with you the goodies I got! My boyfriend and I set a £30 limit as we are hoping to do things to our house this year so we thought we should be sensible. The boy did good. He bought me the Sali Hughes book Pretty Honest, Real Techniques makeup sponge, a gorgeous leather notepad, a Dior lip balm and lots of other pretty little bits. I really have a keeper. 

My mum and dad also spoilt me and bought me a lovely bag (looks like a cream Cambridge satchel) and a Topshop gift voucher. My brother and his FiancĂ©e gave me the Lena Dunham book, hair bits and a hot-to-trot top from Topshop. And my littlest brother gave me some lovely slippers. 

But it didn't stop there. Every year my boyfriend and I spend half the day at my parent's house and then the other half at his parent's house. Yes, we have two Christmas dinners. When we got to his parent's house we had two big bags waiting for us filled with lovely gifts, including jumbo argan oil Shampoo and Conditioner, some lovely nail varnishes, a little sign for my house saying 'Please remove your Jimmy Choos' which I love! And best of all, they bought me some Converse!

As the boy has quite a big family we do Secret Santa with his sisters and their husbands to save the pennies. Usually we have a limit of £20 per person but this year me and the boy did extremely well as his family had all clubbed together and bought us tickets to see Ed Sheeran! I honestly can't believe how lucky I have been this year! Very spoilt indeed and I am so grateful for everything I have received and very grateful that all my friends and family have started 2015 happy and healthy. 

I hope you were all just as lucky as I was and I hope 2015 has been amazing for you so far. 
Happy New Year! X

HNY love me and Sam x

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