Three days into the new job and I'm loving it! The role is perfect, the people are lovely and the beauty products are amazing. More updates to come once I've tried and tested the products! Recently, I've been on a mission to find an under-eye concealer that conceals and illuminates for a reasonable price.
Usually, I'm a devotee of YSL Touche Eclat. It captures the light and banishes those pesky tired and dark eyes. It really is an amazing product. But at £24 it's a bit out of my price range at the moment which upsets me...very much.
So I have been on the hunt for an under-eye concealer that doesn't make the sensitive skin around my eyes dry out. It has been an effort let me tell you! As I've said before I'm a beauty snob and prefer to buy high-end products but recently my bank hasn't been too pleased with my spending so I am trying cheaper options.
The light product really does brighten up your eyes and stays put for most of the day. I'll admit that it doesn't equal the quality of YSL but for its price it is definitely amazing! I really do recommend it for people that don't want to pay for the higher end products. The soft brush makes the application of it very therapeutic and you look glowing for your commute to work! It can also be used to brighten up the complexion by applying it to the forehead, the bridge of your nose and the top of your lip to create a beautiful cupids bow. Go GLOW!
Easy to apply, good staying power, great coverage - 9/10.
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